solstice plus banned update 22622->

 ..all police & politicians CORRUPTED 

 SUPPORT insurrection 

by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeople



for MONTY/UNsub-c Previous at see also 

ChRiS> I recently asked Z. .." what will be the next thing that the "USAcorp & co FUBAR world disorder" (a.k.a. #gameofTHORNS will think up??? , 

 after digging up the "soviet threat" repeating the post WW2 dumb rhetoric.. then ISLAM, then AIDS, then "global terrorist network"..then (pause whilst markets crashed, so they could buy it all back cheap) then their "coroNATION" marketing of flu "variants" ..then provoke an UNUSUAL war between slipping off the top of the sheeples concentration span 

 ...i predict "Alien attack' threat after "first contact" style radio waves from the Stars (allegedly) my opposition , as usual is WHY would any intelligent LIFE come here ( this planet could be equivalent of the Universe 's "australia" soemwhere to dump the universes, criminals & unwanted beings

..its a logical answer to the collection of ignorant & destructive sheeple (exploited by 1% manipulators) on MY planet!... I dont bother posting mainscreamed1a shyte anymore i am more annoyed by those who claim (e.g. counter- punch ) to oppose , yet just keep repeating their annoyance instead of calling & leading a GENERAL Strike. to boycott, block, complain, demo & protest (in person) against the OBVIOUS CULPRITS... 

 NOT "last words" 

FOOTY interlude

 the hypocrites at LFCtv in overdrive>??? but Sadio shows class & heart despite leaving & ChRiS> with much LOVE & RESPECT; for a GREAT MAN e on & off the field from ALL TRUE REdS worldwide ( also ) always with a true REd heart .. i like the way he chose 2019 , which IMO was the unbeaten calendar year, WHEN MANe & THE team PEAKED! 1 point off dom league but winning the biggest club trophy in the world , "lets talk about SIX, in MadRid" ..& his GREAT goal in bayern's back yard..shhhhhh! ;) 

 Juergen "“He leaves with our gratitude and our love... yes, he leaves in a moment where he is one of the best players in world football. “I respect completely his decision and I’m sure our supporters do also. If you love LFC, you have to love Sadio – non-negotiable. It is possible to do this while accepting our loss is Bayern’s gain. "

.. “World-class player! 

“True club legend!

 “Ideal role model! 

“The perfect teammate! 

“Compassionate, caring person!

 “But the three words that feel the most appropriate today are also the hardest to say, ‘Will miss you!’” ( ChRiS>showing his great skils as an all-round striking player, equally with both feet & headers!



ChRiS> possibly my favourite video of the PLANdemic marketing period (by "whatsherface:) 

MASK -her aid? @ 


ChRiS> happy solstice...(Celts day) see ref for Gu Gu FandU> (MonTV-UNsub-c) 

“People ask me to predict the future, when all I want to do is prevent it.” – Ray Bradbury 

..the "nice lefty sheeple writers" continue peaching to the choir, (get out & demo, block & boycott!) one doesnt understand why he is obsessed with UK rain "police action" (u know like USAcorp had a Vietcong police action?) could it be that once the coroNATION marketing cooled down the mainSCREAM fill u with "news" about whites KILLING WHITES?? /// ... (Stephen F. Eisenman's article should be on his blog, not C-P. Jeffrey does "rambles" better,,) " Harvard found that “People with COVID-19 who live in U.S. regions with high levels of air pollution are more likely to die from the disease than people who live in less polluted areas.” still dont WAKE up the sheeple, the POISON that makes disease is YOURS!! do you understand KARMA? "(/2022/06/17/how-our-consumption-is-killing-poor-kids-in-los-angeles) by ? JOSHUA FRANK is the managing editor of CounterPunch.?ALSO tells me & you what we should already know... USAcorp POLLUTES..aided by YOU sheeple// .

. whilst JUNE 17, 2022 "Hating Kids the American(T) Way" BY EVE OTTENBERG..sadly muddies the water of USAcorp violence v kids, by banging the C19 (next variant please?) marketing drum... 

ChRiS> "Welcome to the Masquerade " : however WORTH repeating " 11.6 million children out of a U.S. child population of 73 million live in poverty. That doesn’t mean the remaining 62 million luxuriate in opulence or even the relative security of the middle class. Many live just above the poverty level, you know, the level at which infant mortality reaps lots of little corpses. At 5.8 deaths per 1000 live births, the U.S. ranks 33 out of 36 nations "..."only society in the world with a bona fide school to prison pipeline." .. " no surprise that you get a country that, overall, hates kids."

ChRiS> and through WARbiz, big pharma addicts & OIL based pollution is killing the rest of the sheeple//... 

C-P? (Jeffrey adds) + reprehensible decision by the UK government turn over Julian Assange to the hands of the government that plotted to assassinate him. (The flip-side of this also holds. Assange’s supporters should denounce with similar vigor the obscene treatment of Navalny by Putin’s security apparatus... +

+ (USAcorp) is sending around $130 million a day in military aid to Ukraine plus economic and other assistance. That’s more than what the US spent at the height of its Afghanistan war.+ $80,000: the amount the US spends every minute on nuclear weapons. More than the rest of the world combined... 

+Manoor Adayfi, who now lives in Serbia, on life after being released from Gitmo: “America punishes you for 15 years, and then the rest of the world punishes you for the rest of your life.”

 +northern Kenya, more than 1.5 million cattle carcasses are rotting on the region’s dust-blown landscape and tens of thousands of rural farmers are enduring parched fields, withered crops and famine conditions after successive droughts. 

 + Madagascar was blasted by six tropical storms in the first four months of this year, killing more than 200 people and displacing nearly 600,000 across the country. Meanwhile, the southern half of the country endured a prolonged drought. 

+ The Raspadskaya coal mine in Russia’s Kemerovo Oblast region is leaking about 90 tonnes of methane an hour, roughly the equivalent of five coal-fired power plants. This is 50% higher than any other recorded methane leakage from a coal mine.

+ Global average sea level has risen about 101 mm (about 4 inches) since 1993 as a result of human-caused global warming, with recent rates being unprecedented over the past 2,500-plus years. +The frequency of floods increased by 134%, storms by 40%, and droughts by 29% over the past two decades. +Air Quality Life Index report finds that “particulate air pollution takes 2.2 years off global average life expectancy, .....comparable to that of smoking, more than three times that of alcohol use and unsafe water, six times that of HIV/AIDS, and 89 times that of conflict and terrorism....."


snips... "Assange obviously has more skin in the game than anyone else in this particular case, he’s not the real target. The real target is the NEXT journalist who catches the (USAcorp) government acting illegally. The goal is to make that journalist think twice before telling you about it......"Our target is all the government officials who might, in the future, consider committing this kind of crime again. Thomas L. Knapp... " ( )  and ... a sign THERE MAY well be intelligent life on this planet.. ;;;;;;

Electoral  Victory of Colombians Petro and Marquez is Unprecedented  ( petro-and-marquez-

A political movement favoring the people’s interest has never held national office in Colombia.

...... whilst C-P's cockburn just reminds us again (the clue is the title : @ " 2022/06/21/the-age-of-stupidity-from-johnson-and-biden-to-putin-and-xi-jinping" of his bias?? & their swamp 

 more "preaching to the choir ;

Climate Change: The New Abnormal






 and when I expose them, they block my logs & comments & updates, THEY are Scared COWARDS! empowered by local & global SHEEPLE! ; ” 


+ Number of animals slaughtered per year for human consumption: 0.3 billion cattle 0.4 billion goats 0.5 billion sheep 1.5 billion pigs 65.8 billion chickens Livestock emits 7.1 Gt CO per year (14.5% of global emissions) 


..... a POEM for


a poem for Gu Gu?

I like the song "Iris" by Goo Goo dolls!
people like you play many good roles...
in my life... because I dont look for a wife..
i like your company, with no strife..

& like your independent way
and how u were with that CSing "gay"
other stories were good too
i enjoyed listening to you!

last night i cooked for you spuds & cheese
i made pasta , paradise , lunch to go with these
no vino, but the rakija kills the mozzies well
and more of my old stories, i did tell,,

and a sunset on the bay
many nice pictures, i do say!
swimming this morning, with guest
first time, was really the best..!

a nap & an afternoon walk
and an easy friendly talk
is a reason I love to trust..
get deported, i think to KAZ, I MUST .,,, ha ha ha

you are always welcome here (or there) ;)
ChRiS (REd)


for Chiara.. so you cant hear me sing 

(thats a bad thing) "happy birthday: to you..! so, that's a happy thought too? 

 Yesterday, I hope you had FUN and if I could send you ONE wish ..I wonder what it might be? I would love to share it, you see? 

 so until you come here i protect your sensitive ear ;) and send you all the best & forget all the rest.. 

 I recall our long walk at Skada so relaxed i felt, problems? ; Nada and dancing at that local gig moving well, smooth young lady, this is not a dig.. 

 so I wish you all that you deserve and as I have the nerve much more & to celebrate together GEMinis CAN FLY, even without one feather! ( ;) ) ChRiS x/Hugs


  .................. previous uneditedREd! ?


 < ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo > UNsub-c> INSTEAD of DoING! ..C-P writers impersonate teachers,& keep on writing...& remind AGAIN & AGAIN (still preaching to the choir) that " “nuclear deterrence”—is that it relies on the idea of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The strategic plans for the use of nuclear weapons envision nuclear exchange. The theory is that because such an exchange could end up destroying the entire planet, no one would dare.." .." tested and produced—primarily on and near Indigenous nations and communities of colour. As long as they exist, they will extract billions of dollars towards their maintenance,  modernisation,  and deployment, when that money is so desperately needed to provide for the well-being of people and the planet, now endangered also by climate change". ( first published by WILPF and Beyond Ray Acheson) " 

&.. " court upheld a “state secrets” claim to block Zubaydah’s lawyers from serving subpoenas on the psychologist masterminds of the CIA torture program to learn the details of his interrogation in Poland. The court’s ruling also blocks Polish investigators seeking information about the crimes committed at a CIA torture site in their nation. ..." feds’ sway over damning information is boundless — at least until some scofflaw like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange or Daniel Hale obliterates federal credibility...(? with what result> = zero!) .. “supremacy of the law” now means little more than the Supreme Court recycling legal mummeries to hide federal atrocities. How many official crimes can democracy survive? Unfortunately, the answer is a secret. " ( 2022/06/16/supreme-court-tortures-the-constitution-again ..) ..



ChRiS> what "constitution" ..what "democracy" //..(see Mick Wallace's attack on USAcorp in the EU!??) he repeats my claims verbally ..almost word for word! Counter-punch are NOT "punching"the USAcorp - merely preaching to their own choir..??? has any one at C1A been "sanctioned" since ww2?? ( 2022/06/12/the-spy-in-the-torture-chamber ) /// Paul Street’s (v fascho-trumpets; 2022/06/15/merrick-garlands-existential-choice ) also unlikely as ( 2022/06/15/trumps-coup-the-inside-story ) to wake up the Biden-Zombie voters either... as ( 2022/06/15/weapons-of-faith-the-arming-of-american-schools )...repeats & reminds me (AGAIN) that the USAcorp INTERNAL SWAMP is as violent & FUBAR as its external global #gameofTHORNS..! ...whilst UK(R)ainia is a poorer FUBAR copy of USAcorp swamp 


... & best wishes for Kells GKing for Eire We've shown this Ireland squad can go up against anyone..

220615 add?  



MORE anti russian PR_opaganda by cockburnP (C-P today ) but also " "the dismemberment of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018 is forgotten, as Biden plans a visit to the kingdom and tries to persuade bin Salman to pump more oil....and ( 2022/06/14/the-end-of-laissez-faire-russias-attempt-at-reshaping-the-world-economy ) ; 

" ...Globalization was branded as a success story for freedom and democracy while, in essence, it was a cheap reproduction of the 18th-century France’s economic doctrine...It is easy to criticize poor countries for failing to challenge US/Western dominance. as usual the well-meaning( Robert Hunziker ) still preaching to the choir ( ) UNsub> the sheeple simply dont care as they slide into a swamp of their own making.... Kurds should not trust USAcorp any more than russians ..all police, politicians & their WAR biz profiteers are corrupt..the BIG "new world order" repeated the "old world order" expoloitation & then opposes immigration from the damaged nations that they raped! .. = the modern FUBAR global #gameofTHORNS swamp...a filthy cess pit of corrupion, polution & destruction OF OUR world!!! __________________________ Replying to @premnsikka stop chatting start demos everywhere! all police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW Replying to @vonderleyen and @yadvashem

 EU is as also corrupt.....all police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW

 ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo Replying to @getalifefree citeh/plastic english lge corrupt.....all police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW

 copied Replying to @TheNightFlower and @Independent is it possible for your group NOT to over react to any thing? i have grown up & supported multi-ethnic & multi-cultural aspects all my life & paid the price, so dont lecture me... 

too much @political correct by media etc does not help anyone's cause! @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo #REdGEMnet REdawn LiveBirds @REdLivebirds · 



Jun 13 @REdLivebirds @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo Quote Tweet LFC Transfer Room @LFCTransferRoom · Jun 13 ✅Official: Benfica have confirmed Darwin Nunez's transfer. Welcome to Liverpool! Show this thread REdawn LiveBirds @REdLivebirds · 




Jun 12 and stop fan nies & rag media dishing dirt! good LUCK Sadio @Scousepower19_ @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo world class arguably under valued by fen way boardroom accountants ...? interim JUNE summer update @ for MEd1A TEAM at & #REdGEMnet Quote Tweet Scousepower19 @Scousepower19_ · Jun 12 If mane leaves Liverpool this summer he will be truly missed, I’ve watched a lot of great players play at Anfield and he’s up there with the very best what a player club legend won everything there is to win. What’s your thoughts reds? REdawn LiveBirds @REdLivebirds · 

Jun 12 Replying to @guardian @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo @jeremycorbyn FFS! thought only Adolf & co did more damage to Uk than @ "blowjo govt" ??? vote for return of Jed! :p + & #REdGEMnet #J4t97_JuticeforALL __________________ 


(Eu watch) all nations & their politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who must repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW 

but who cares ; NO INTELLIGENCE on MY planet - INFESTED by idiocracy! fen way sharks.. are in it for profit - fen wayt build their assets, ONLY spend after selling, plus record profits last season from sponsors, tickets, TV & online sales etc (EU boss with isrrael) Replying to @vonderleyen and @yairlapid fascistogether! EU, USAcorp UN etc etc etc & all nations, their police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who must repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW 

220613 DarWINN Liverpool agree €100m deal to sign Darwin Núñez from Benfica The Uruguayan forward is set to join for €80m, with €20m in add-ons Darwin Núñez to have Monday medical before sealing €100m Liverpool deal 


June 13, 2022 at 10:41 PM Replying to @jeremycorbyn Support & protect ALL peoples, Jed.. !! EQUALLY !!! all nations police & their politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who must repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW

ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo · @ijezeigoodwill2 and @AnythingLFC_ GOOD is my (non-religion) ...! #REdGEMnet 


ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo · @ijezeigoodwill2 and @AnythingLFC_ dont be so disrespectful & quick to play down the incredible players who formed the BEST striking trio in the World!! IMO the modern team peaked in 2019 (1 point in lge & Europen Champions!) & WE THANK all TEAM squad for last seasons marathon effort, TRUE REbel REdS #REdGEMnet ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo · @LFChistory and @LFC welcome DarWiNN ...lets also salute again ALL OUR TEAM squad players who fought for an incredible marathon this last season, & GOOD LUCK and Thank YOU SADIO MANe !! Y N W A best wishes from True REbEL REdS worldwide #REdGEMnet Who is Darwin Nunez and what does his transfer mean for Liverpool?(


MORE rons via C-P> " William Shirer wrote about his time in Nazi Germany: “Often in a German home or office or sometimes in a casual conversation with a stranger in a restaurant, a beer hall, a café, I would meet with the most outlandish assertions from seemingly educated and intelligent persons. It was obvious that they were parroting some piece of nonsense they had heard on the radio or read in the newspapers. Sometimes one was tempted to say as much, but on such occasions one was met with such a stare, such a shock of silence, as if one had blasphemed the Almighty, that one realized how useless it was to even try to make contact with a mind which had become warped and form whom the facts of life had become what Hitler and Goebbels, with their cynical disregard for truth, said they were” (Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany [New York: 1959]. p. 248)." "Obama telling a foreign policy think in 2006 that the US had invaded Iraq out of an excessive idealist commitment to the spread of democracy. ...would later absurdly blame the US airpower murder of dozens of Afghan children in the village of Bola Boluk on “Taliban grenades.” little real and functioning “democracy” in the 21st Century United States. The popular will is trumped again and again by the superior power of concentrated wealth... < Paul Street > ..." 

Fandu> = USAcorp year 2000+.. the millenium 00 date WAS the end of the world as we knew it//" ) ______________ 220613



DarWINN Liverpool agree €100m deal to sign Darwin Núñez from Benfica The Uruguayan forward is set to join for €80m, with €20m in add-ons Darwin Núñez to have Monday medical before sealing €100m Liverpool deal 


ChRiS> preaching to a FUBAR choir... reading through, (and I suggest that most people LOADED with (FUBAR "news views & banal comment" on their mobile poison intake modules dont take the time) that these clever artcticles & my opinion of the POLLUTED swamp that once was called "America" is a continental swamp; a cess pit ; that arguably gives Putin (& i am NOT a fan) EVERY reason for a "retaliatory nuke strike" or can you enlist 300 million or so ameriCANTS of that USAcorp war biz/pharma/OIL obsessed cunttree into "Rehab" ??? from this days edition : "2022/06/10/storms-at-the-summit-of-the-americas/ " : " 2022/06/10/the-adl-progressives-and-white-nationalists" : "2022/06/10/against-outrageous-stupidity-from-wmd-to-woman-erasing-wokeness ": " " plus Jeffrey's "Roaming charges" ...EVEN MAKE ME BELIEVE I AM UNDER-ESTIMATING JUST HOW TERMINALLY SICK the USELESS states of AmeriCANT TRULY ARE! 

 stop writing , get off your arse & protest, boycott, demo & block the evil of your society, local or global! 

Jeffrey>C-P> " in the last five months, 10 million people have been pushed to the “edge of famine” and 400 million force into “food insecurity,” which is roughly the number of people China has pulled out of poverty over the last few decades...

( UScorp) operates 750 military bases in around 80 countries & colonies. China would have 9, including a Djibouti and those built on uninhabited islands in the South China Sea…. not inviting Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela to the Summit of the Americas because “we don’t believe dictators should be invited,” while simultaneously planning a trip for Biden to Saudi Arabia, //...Ukraine seems to be going badly for all involved, except the oil companies and the arms merchants..Russian TV, warned .. if NATO keeps supporting Ukraine, there will be a “massive nuclear strike” which only “mutants” will survive. + Mutants can’t be any worse than the genetic specimens now running the planet….(print errors NOT "running" ; RUINING? ) ... example of that good old Reagan humor: “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes...”percentage of physicians who were Black men in 1940 was 2.6%. The percentage of physicians who were Black men in 2018 was … 2.6% .....2022 Q1 profits: ExxonMobil – $5,480,000,000 (a 100% increase compared to 2021 Q1) BP – $6,200,000,000 (highest quarterly profit in a decade) Chevron – $6,260,000,000 (a 400% increase compared to 2021 Q1) ...... " ... ..... 

+ 6 trillion tons: the amount of ice Greenland has lost since 1970.... 

+ More than half of U.S. adults alive today were exposed toxic levels of lead as children,

 (!) it shows! 

Fandu> thanks for your "ameriCANT dream' = now the global nightmare...!! karma will send u all to hell? u are there already? ___________________ 

220611 Replying to @david_conn @FansEurope and @UEFA FSE, UEFA & govt will do "FA" again!! deja VU cover up ('89) difficult to also forgive you who told #REdGEMnet members to "hush up" during the re-investigation of guilty Hillsborough murderers! u have to share blame & shame on you too! #J4t97_JusticeforALL politicians solve nothing, UK sheeple/med1a only care about WHITE refugees (& supports nazties) insurrection v all govt & corporate violations WE the people must repair OUR world = OUR responsibility support each other and Join #J4t97_JusticeforALL #REdGEMnet 

 ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo Replying to @jeremycorbyn NO Jed, renovate empty or decaying buildings/offices/factories as HOMES ..! OUR responsibility (politicians solve nothing) support each other and Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS crimes everywhere in the world by thug police covered up.. govt & corporates, med1a cowards also to blame!!! (but the sheeple are asleep) Stade de France CCTV footage from Champions League final already deleted ( ... ) @ " 'It is obviously a failure' - French police chief apologises for Champions League tear-gassing .. " ( ) support each other and Join _____________________________ go to because (F&U NGO global justice net co-op!)...... _________________________ 

.all police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW BANNED: 

strategy 220623...for MONTY/UNsub-c Previous at see also ChRiS> I recently asked Z. .." what will be the next thing that the "USAcorp & co FUBAR world disorder" (a.k.a. #gameofTHORNS will think up??? , after digging up the "soviet threat" repeating the post WW2 dumb rhetoric.. then ISLAM, then AIDS, then "global terrorist network"..then (pause whilst markets crashed, so they could buy it all back cheap) then the "coroNATION" marketing of flu "variants" ..then provoke an UNUSUAL war between slipping off the top of the sheeples concentration span ...i predict "Alien attack' threat after "first contact" style radio waves from the Stars (alledgedly) my opposition , as usual is WHY would any intelligent LIFE come here ( this planet could be equivalent of the Universe 's "australia" soemwhere to dump the universes, criminals & unwanted beings..its a logical answer to the collection of ignorant & destructive sheeple (exploited by 1% manipulkators) on MY planet!... I dont bother posting mainscreamed1a shyte anymore i am more annoyed by those who claim (e.g. counter- punch ) to oppose , yet just keep repeating their annoyance instead of calling & leading a GENERAL Strike. to boycott, block, complain, demo & protest (in person) against the OBVIOUS CULPRITS... 

NOT "last words"

 FOOTY interlude 


 the hypocrites at LFCtv in overdrive>??? but Sadio shows class & heart despite leaving & 

ChRiS> with much LOVE & RESPECT; for a GREAT MAN e on & off the field from ALL TRUE REdS worldwide ( also ) always with a true REd heart i like the way he chose 2019 , which IMO was the unbeaten calendar year, 1 point off dom league but winnign the biggest club trophy in the world , "lets talk about SIX, in MadRid" ..& his GREAT goal in bayerns back yard..shhhhhh! ;) 

Juergen "“He leaves with our gratitude and our love... yes, he leaves in a moment where he is one of the best players in world football. “I respect completely his decision and I’m sure our supporters do also. If you love LFC, you have to love Sadio – non-negotiable. It is possible to do this while accepting our loss is Bayern’s gain. ".. “World-class player! “True club legend! “Ideal role model! “The perfect teammate! “Compassionate, caring person! “But the three words that feel the most appropriate today are also the hardest to say, ‘Will miss you!’” (  



ChRiS>showing his great skils as an all-round striking player, equally with both feet & headers! EXTRAS? possibly my favourite video of the PLANdemic marketing period (by "whatsherface:) MASK -her aid? @ 

220621 happy solstice...(Celts day) see ref for Gu Gu FandU> (MonTV-UNsub-c) “People ask me to predict the future, when all I want to do is prevent it.” – Ray Bradbury ..the "nice lefty sheeple writers" contunue peaching to the choir, (get out & demoblock & boycott!) one doesnt understand why he is obsessed with UK rain "police action" (u know like USAcorp had a Vietcong police action?) could it be that once the coroNATION marketing cooled down the mainSCREAM fill u with "news" about whites KILLING WHITES?? /// ... (Stephen F. Eisenman's article should be on his blog, not C-P. Jeffrey does "rambles" better,,) " Harvard found that “People with COVID-19 who live in U.S. regions with high levels of air pollution are more likely to die from the disease than people who live in less polluted areas.” still dont WAKE up the sheeple, the POION that makes disease is YOURS!! do you understand KARMA? "(/2022/06/17/how-our-consumption-is-killing-poor-kids-in-los-angeles) by ? JOSHUA FRANK is the managing editor of CounterPunch.?ALSO tells me & you what we should already know... USAcorp POLLUTES..aided by YOU sheeple// .. whilst JUNE 17, 2022 "Hating Kids the American(T) Way" BY EVE OTTENBERG..sadly muddies the water of USAcorp violence v kids, by banging the C19 (next variant please?) marketing drum... 

ChRiS> "Welcome to the Masquerade " : however WORTH repeating " 11.6 million children out of a U.S. child population of 73 million live in poverty. That doesn’t mean the remaining 62 million luxuriate in opulence or even the relative security of the middle class. Many live just above the poverty level, you know, the level at which infant mortality reaps lots of little corpses. At 5.8 deaths per 1000 live births, the U.S. ranks 33 out of 36 nations "..."only society in the world with a bona fide school to prison pipeline." .. " no surprise that you get a country that, overall, hates kids." 

 ChRiS> and through WARbiz, big pharma addicts & OIL based pollution is killing the rest of the sheeple//... 

C-P? (Jeffrey adds) 

+ reprehensible decision by the UK government turn over Julian Assange to the hands of the government that plotted to assassinate him. (The flip-side of this also holds. Assange’s supporters should denounce with similar vigor the obscene treatment of Navalny by Putin’s security apparatus... +

+ (USAcorp) is sending around $130 million a day in military aid to Ukraine plus economic and other assistance. That’s more than what the US spent at the height of its Afghanistan war.

+ $80,000: the amount the US spends every minute on nuclear weapons. More than the rest of the world combined...

 +Manoor Adayfi, who now lives in Serbia, on life after being released from Gitmo: “America punishes you for 15 years, and then the rest of the world punishes you for the rest of your life.”

 +northern Kenya, more than 1.5 million cattle carcasses are rotting on the region’s dust-blown landscape and tens of thousands of rural farmers are enduring parched fields, withered crops and famine conditions after successive droughts.

 + Madagascar was blasted by six tropical storms in the first four months of this year, killing more than 200 people and displacing nearly 600,000 across the country. Meanwhile, the southern half of the country endured a prolonged drought.

 + The Raspadskaya coal mine in Russia’s Kemerovo Oblast region is leaking about 90 tonnes of methane an hour, roughly the equivalent of five coal-fired power plants. This is 50% higher than any other recorded methane leakage from a coal mine. 

+ Global average sea level has risen about 101 mm (about 4 inches) since 1993 as a result of human-caused global warming, with recent rates being unprecedented over the past 2,500-plus years.

 +The frequency of floods increased by 134%, storms by 40%, and droughts by 29% over the past two decades.

 +Air Quality Life Index report finds that “particulate air pollution takes 2.2 years off global average life expectancy, .....comparable to that of smoking, more than three times that of alcohol use and unsafe water, six times that of HIV/AIDS, and 89 times that of conflict and terrorism.”

 + Number of animals slaughtered per year for human consumption: 0.3 billion cattle 0.4 billion goats 0.5 billion sheep 1.5 billion pigs 65.8 billion chickens Livestock emits 7.1 Gt CO per year (14.5% of global emissions) 

 220617 and when I expose them, they block my logs & comments & updates, THEY are Scared COWARDS! empowered by local & global SHEEPLE! ; ...................... 

220617 < ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo > UNsub-c> INSTEAD of DoING! ..C-P writers impersonate teachers,& keep on writing...& remind AGAIN & AGAIN (still preaching to the choir) that " “nuclear deterrence”—is that it relies on the idea of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The strategic plans for the use of nuclear weapons envision nuclear exchange. The theory is that because such an exchange could end up destroying the entire planet, no one would dare.." .." tested and produced—primarily on and near Indigenous nations and communities of colour. As long as they exist, they will extract billions of dollars towards their maintenance,  modernisation,  and deployment, when that money is so desperately needed to provide for the well-being of people and the planet, now endangered also by climate change". ( first published by WILPF and Beyond Ray Acheson) " &.. " court upheld a “state secrets” claim to block Zubaydah’s lawyers from serving subpoenas on the psychologist masterminds of the CIA torture program to learn the details of his interrogation in Poland. The court’s ruling also blocks Polish investigators seeking information about the crimes committed at a CIA torture site in their nation. ..." feds’ sway over damning information is boundless — at least until some scofflaw like Edward Snowden or Julian Assange or Daniel Hale obliterates federal credibility...(? with what result> = zero!) .. “supremacy of the law” now means little more than the Supreme Court recycling legal mummeries to hide federal atrocities. How many official crimes can democracy survive? Unfortunately, the answer is a secret. " ( 2022/06/16/supreme-court-tortures-the-constitution-again ..) .. ChRiS> what "constitution" ..what "democracy" //..(see Mick Wallace attack on USAcorp in the EU!??) he repeats my claims verbally ..almost word for word!

Counter-punch are NOT "punching"the USAcorp - merely preaching to their own choir..??? has any one at C1A been "sanctioned" since ww2?? ( 2022/06/12/the-spy-in-the-torture-chamber ) /// Paul Street’s (v fascho-trumpets; 2022/06/15/merrick-garlands-existential-choice ) also unliely as ( 2022/06/15/trumps-coup-the-inside-story ) towake up the Biden-Zombie voters either... as ( 2022/06/15/weapons-of-faith-the-arming-of-american-schools )...repeats & reminds me (AGAIN) that the USAcorp INTENAL SWAMP is as violent & FUBAR as its external global #gameofTHORNS..! ...whilst UK(R)ainia is a poorer FUBAR copy of USAcorp swamp ...

 220615 add? MORE anti russian PR_opaganda by cockburnP (C-P today ) but also " "the dismemberment of Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul in 2018 is forgotten, as Biden plans a visit to the kingdom and tries to persuade bin Salman to pump more oil....and ( 2022/06/14/the-end-of-laissez-faire-russias-attempt-at-reshaping-the-world-economy ) ; " ...Globalization was branded as a success story for freedom and democracy while, in essence, it was a cheap reproduction of the 18th-century France’s economic doctrine...It is easy to criticize poor countries for failing to challenge US/Western dominance. as usual the well-meaning( Robert Hunziker ) still preaching to the choir (

UNsub> the sheeple simply dont care as they slide into a swamp of their own making.... Kurds should not trust USAcorp any more than russians ..all police, politicians & their WAR biz profiteers are corrupt..the BIG "new world order" repeated the "old world order" expoloitation & then opposes immigration from the damaged nations that they raped! .. = the modern FUBAR global #gameofTHORNS swamp...a filthy cess pit of corrupion, polution & destruction OF OUR world!!! __________________________ Replying to @premnsikka stop chatting start demos everywhere! all police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW Replying to @vonderleyen and @yadvashem EU is as also corrupt.....all police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW 

ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo Replying to @getalifefree citeh/plastic english lge corrupt.....all police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; local/global #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW copied Replying to @TheNightFlower and @Independent is it possible for your group NOT to over react to any thing? i have grown up & supported multi-ethnic & multi-cultural aspects all my life & paid the price, so dont lecture me... too much @political correct by media etc does not help anyone's cause! @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo #REdGEMnet REdawn LiveBirds @REdLivebirds · Jun 13 @REdLivebirds @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo Quote Tweet LFC Transfer Room @LFCTransferRoom · Jun 13 ✅Official: Benfica have confirmed Darwin Nunez's transfer. Welcome to Liverpool! Show this thread REdawn LiveBirds @REdLivebirds · Jun 12 and stop fan nies & rag media dishing dirt! good LUCK Sadio @Scousepower19_ @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo world class arguably under valued by fen way boardroom accountants ...? interim JUNE summer update @ for MEd1A TEAM at & #REdGEMnet Quote Tweet Scousepower19 @Scousepower19_ · Jun 12 If mane leaves Liverpool this summer he will be truly missed, I’ve watched a lot of great players play at Anfield and he’s up there with the very best what a player club legend won everything there is to win. What’s your thoughts reds? REdawn LiveBirds @REdLivebirds · Jun 12 Replying to @guardian @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo @jeremycorbyn FFS! thought only Adolf & co did more damage to Uk than @ "blowjo govt" ??? vote for return of Jed! :p + & #REdGEMnet #J4t97_JuticeforALL __________________ 

220614 (Eu watch) all nations & their politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who must repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW but who cares ; NO INTELLIGENCE on MY planet - INFESTED by idiocracy! fen way sharks.. are in it for profit - fen way build their assets, ONLY spend after selling, plus record profits last season from sponsors, tickets, TV & online sales etc (EU boss with isrrael) Replying to @vonderleyen and @yairlapid fascistogether! EU, USAcorp UN etc etc etc & all nations, their police & politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who must repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW

ChriScLOGJune 13, 2022 at 10:41 PM Replying to @jeremycorbyn Support & protect ALL peoples, Jed.. !! EQUALLY !!! all nations police & their politicians CORRUPTED SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who must repair OUR world; OUR responsibility support each other; #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo · @ijezeigoodwill2 and @AnythingLFC_ GOOD is my (non-religion) ...! #REdGEMnet ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo · @ijezeigoodwill2 and @AnythingLFC_ dont be so disrespectful & quick to play down the incredible players who formed the BEST striking trio in the World!! IMO the modern team peaked in 2019 (1 point in lge & Europen Champions!) & WE THANK all TEAM squad for last seasons marathon effort, TRUE REbel REdS #REdGEMnet ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo · @LFChistory and @LFC welcome DarWiNN ...lets also salute again ALL OUR TEAM squad players who fought for an incredible marathon this last season, & GOOD LUCK and Thank YOU SADIO MANe !! Y N W A best wishes from True REbEL REdS worldwide #REdGEMnet Who is Darwin Nunez and what does his transfer mean for Liverpool?( MORE rons via C-P> " William Shirer wrote about his time in Nazi Germany: “Often in a German home or office or sometimes in a casual conversation with a stranger in a restaurant, a beer hall, a café, I would meet with the most outlandish assertions from seemingly educated and intelligent persons. It was obvious that they were parroting some piece of nonsense they had heard on the radio or read in the newspapers. Sometimes one was tempted to say as much, but on such occasions one was met with such a stare, such a shock of silence, as if one had blasphemed the Almighty, that one realized how useless it was to even try to make contact with a mind which had become warped and form whom the facts of life had become what Hitler and Goebbels, with their cynical disregard for truth, said they were” (Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich: A History of Nazi Germany [New York: 1959]. p. 248)." "Obama telling a foreign policy think in 2006 that the US had invaded Iraq out of an excessive idealist commitment to the spread of democracy. ...would later absurdly blame the US airpower murder of dozens of Afghan children in the village of Bola Boluk on “Taliban grenades.” little real and functioning “democracy” in the 21st Century United States. The popular will is trumped again and again by the superior power of concentrated wealth... < Paul Street > ..." 

Fandu> = USAcorp year 2000+.. the millenium 00 date WAS the end of the world as we knew it//" ) 



ChRiS> preaching to a FUBAR choir... reading through, (and I suggest that most people LOADED with (FUBAR "news views & banal comment" on their mobile poison intake modules dont take the time) that these clever artcticles & my opinion of the POLLUTED swamp that once was called "America" is a continental swamp; a cess pit ; that arguably gives Putin (& i am NOT a fan) EVERY reason for a "retaliatory nuke strike" or can you enlist 300 million or so ameriCANTS of that USAcorp war biz/pharma/OIL obsessed cunttree into "Rehab" ??? from this days edition : "2022/06/10/storms-at-the-summit-of-the-americas/ " : " 2022/06/10/the-adl-progressives-and-white-nationalists" : "2022/06/10/against-outrageous-stupidity-from-wmd-to-woman-erasing-wokeness ": " " plus Jeffrey's "Roaming charges" ...EVEN MAKE ME BELIEVE I AM UNDER-ESTIMATING JUST HOW TERMINALLY SICK the USELESS states of AmeriCANT TRULY ARE! stop writing , get off your arse & protest, boycott, demo & block the evil of your society, local or global! 

Jeffrey>C-P> " in the last five months, 10 million people have been pushed to the “edge of famine” and 400 million force into “food insecurity,” which is roughly the number of people China has pulled out of poverty over the last few decades... US operates 750 military bases in around 80 countries & colonies. China would have 9, including a Djibouti and those built on uninhabited islands in the South China Sea…. not inviting Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela to the Summit of the Americas because “we don’t believe dictators should be invited,” while simultaneously planning a trip for Biden to Saudi Arabia, //...Ukraine seems to be going badly for all involved, except the oil companies and the arms merchants..Russian TV, warned .. if NATO keeps supporting Ukraine, there will be a “massive nuclear strike” which only “mutants” will survive. 

+ Mutants can’t be any worse than the genetic specimens now running the planet….(print errors NOT "running" ; RUINING? ) ... example of that good old Reagan humor: “My fellow Americans, I’m pleased to tell you today that I’ve signed legislation that will outlaw Russia forever. We begin bombing in five minutes...

”percentage of physicians who were Black men in 1940 was 2.6%. The percentage of physicians who were Black men in 2018 was … 2.6% .....

2022 Q1 profits: ExxonMobil :– $5,480,000,000 (a 100% increase compared to 2021 Q1) 

BP :– $6,200,000,000 (highest quarterly profit in a decade) 

Chevron  $6,260,000,000 (a 400% increase compared to 2021 Q1) ...... 

 " ... ..... 

+ 6 trillion tons: the amount of ice Greenland has lost since 1970.... 

+ More than half of U.S. adults alive today were exposed toxic levels of lead as children, (!) it shows! 

Fandu> thanks for your "ameriCANT dream' = now the global nightmare...!! karma will send u all to hell? u are there already? ___________________ 

220611 Replying to @david_conn @FansEurope and @UEFA FSE, UEFA & govt will do "FA" again!! deja VU cover up ('89) difficult to also forgive you who told #REdGEMnet members to "hush up" during the re-investigation of guilty Hillsborough murderers! u have to share blame & shame on you too! #J4t97_JusticeforALL politicians solve nothing, UK sheeple/med1a only care about WHITE refugees (& supports nazties) insurrection v all govt & corporate violations WE the people must repair OUR world = OUR responsibility support each other and Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW 

Replying to @AlisonH45582078 and @HorrorHammer1 (v.price) good actor, today, if u prefer to be mean & paid for it, become USA pressie, UK PM, any policeman anywhere, kill for NATO, any politician in world, it seems, or even most of the sheeple? anywhere, on this insane planet :p #J4t97_JusticeforALL #REdGEMnet 

ChriS Dix @ChRiS_CSEMA_ngo Replying to @jeremycorbyn NO Jed, renovate empty or decaying buildings/offices/factories as HOMES ..! insurrection v all govt & corporate violations WE the people; must repair OUR world = OUR responsibility support each other and Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #WEareTHEpeopleNOW @REdLivebirds @BrianReade @MerseyReds1 @TheRedmenTV (DarWINN) hope so, but i have been around too long to be impatient or "jump the gun" murphy's law & Frank Worthington says so.. :p #J4t97_JusticeforALL #REdGEMnet ........added to F& Log @REdLivebirds @BrianReade @IanByrneMP deja VU cover up ('89) difficult to also forgive you who told #REdGEMnet members to "hush up" during the re-investigation of guilty Hillsborough murderers! u have to share blame & shame on you too! #J4t97_JusticeforALL

 220609 WE are aware that you may seek more traditional & UK based suppliers, however we do not seek to compete with nor replace UK suppliers, we would appreciate the chance to also gain from a partnership with social justice that OURregion sorely needs 30 years after a bitter Balkan conflict tore society apart, destroyed socialism & allowed government & corporate corruption ... we are open to your suggestions & we are keen to prove ourselves & our initiative with enthusiasm, honesty & commitment that we see in the history of the co-operative movement. ( to ; ) _____________________ insurrection v $ USAcorp NA TO c1A black op murderers & their allies WE the people must repair OUR world = OUR responsibility support each other and Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS insurrection v all govt & corporate violations WE the people must repair OUR world = OUR responsibility support each other and Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS and? @REdLivebirds.. another cover up! in paris, london or washington ..ENOUGH of this BS! insurrection v all govt & corporate violations WE the people must repair OUR world = OUR responsibility (politicians solve nothing) support each other and Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS ..... Eric for all his efforts is working on 2nd or 3rd hand data as are most of the "war jounros & experts" I have been in Kiev 3 times, and u really dont understand the region , its cultures or peoples much at all, and the comments show much the same.. and? @REdLivebirds.. & as there is nother cover up! in paris, london or washington ..ENOUGH of this BS! insurrection v all govt & corporate violations WE the people must repair OUR world = OUR responsibility (politicians solve nothing) support each other and Join #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS crimes everywhere in the world by thug police covered up.. govt & corporates, med1a cowards also to blame!!! (but the sheeple are asleep) Stade de France CCTV footage from Champions League final already deleted ( ... )

 @ " 'It is obviously a failure' - French police chief apologises for Champions League tear-gassing .. " ( ) support each other and Join

  _____________________________ gp to because (F&U NGO global justice net co-op!)...... research in this Balkan region began the to collect the potential collective enterprises ... the unique logistics experience & know how of former global strategic manager (ChRiS) now resident in Montenegro add to the low costs & perfect climate for natural fruit & vegetable growth, whilst overcoming corruption of the former regime, places our local co-op as the perfect partner for a multiple supply of products & services! we are hungry for the challenge of enterprise with social conscience. _________________________ (hero Divoc (not co vid) ;) departs Lfc with thanks from Rebel REDS



more at 2021-22 PFA (english plastic money)Premier League Team of the Year: Alisson Becker, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Virgil van Dijk, Antonio Rudiger, Joao Cancelo, Bernardo Silva, Thiago Alcantara, Kevin De Bruyne, Sadio Mane, Cristiano Ronaldo, Mohamed as  ______________________ & Queenie, (#game of THORNS) FUBAR CORONAtion BS #GOODsaveOURTEAM (comments at



 ...(watching "the last Kingdom" is better than 'game of thrones,,or the new world order; #game of THORNS" ( ) (comments at there is a suggestion that our (HomeAlien) chief was born as SHE was crowned.. memories of "UK(r)a(i)n-ia; "my Grandad died in '53, the year i arrived... due to floods, many "peasants" died but of course the royalists were happy.. Mum just always repeated when the royal parasite family were mentioned (mum explained thinngs to me at my age of 10 as if i was adult) " she is just another woman , no better than any other" ..we were a socialist family, I helped (gen sec) Mum with the elections " my mother was a 1000 greater than "auntie Liz windsor number2 " mum helped people , even when she was an OAP, & they were much younger , & helped form the co-op society locally.. ..i was a tad sad when I found out that my boyhood hero ("Crazy Horse') Emlyn HUGHES, capt of Liverpool was a de-facto royalist, I blamed it on all those times he had to meet then when lifting trophies almost evry may at wembley!... NEVER FORGET whilst there are homeless on the streets of London, and NEEDED foodbanks everywhere in UK that HER ancestors stole OUR land & taxed us to live on what was previously FREE, just because the first KING had a fecking big army!! 



 ...(watching "the last Kingdom" is better than 'game of thrones,,or the new world order; #game of THORNS" ( )

thanks MAN.. e


  1. pic strategy


    220624 ... its really a pain, reading again & again the same MASS-debation of C-P ("radical"writers")
    vomiting out the same stuff we have read a 100 times.. th choir must also be sick of these reapeats
    (bit like "standard tv" ?) ocassionally inserting truth " have that say, and, in fact, we [the U.S.] overthrew democratically elected leaders in the Western hemisphere during the Cold War because we were unhappy with their policies"
    via Rosen ( 2022/06/23/the-ukrainian-war-and-a-new-world-order ) also mundane; 2022/06/23/the-geopolitics-of-the-new-cold-war....
    & a newer quote .. bet if the Nuke comes they will all be insinerated at their laptops, instead of STRIKING ! ..
    /...( the word left wing, radical is as redundant as the (ameriCANT interpretation) of the"conservative" in uk its a feckign Tory!! .. 2022/06/23/dear-mainstream-media-please-retire-the-word-conservative )///...

    well who can be trusted ; even if paid ..awaiting to see if JUSTICE prevails or even shows its rarely seen head
    ( Diego Maradona: eight to go on trial in Argentina for homicide ' ;
    Defendants named in the judge’s report include the football star’s three doctors, a psychiatrist and two nurses )
    & hope young Rhian is clean & cleared of this ; (police these days are "ineffective & mostly corrupted everywhere in the world) ..

  2. ..all police & politicians CORRUPTED
    SUPPORT insurrection by WE ARE people; who WILL repair OUR world; OUR responsibility
    support each other; local/global
    #REdGEMnet v #gameofTHORNS #J4OUR97_is4ALL #WEareTHEpeopleNOW


    how many thousands of hours, days , months years invested in waking up the INFESTORS of my planet
    from 10 years translating into Serbian?


  4. 220627/28/29
    ChRiS> C-P continues "choir preaching" instead of actively involving in GLOBAL Uprising & general STRIKE ?
    but there are items worth repaetign, but NOT without action ; " Capitalism is a totalizing system built on slavery, colonialism, imperialism, plunder, deeply uneven power relations and exploitation. It remains a system where “might makes right” is the “rule of law.” ...(2022/06/26/financial-manipulation-and-inequality-keep-rising ) as Robert contues to back the VALID anti pollution drum ; ( ) but who is positively reacting? ... chinese seem to despite the USAwar biz "sabre rattling lunatic KILLING machines" .." we spend large sums of money building up our military to meet the challenge of our Cold War adversary, we won’t have the money needed to address climate change. It’s sort of like if you spend your whole paycheck on gambling and alcohol, you won’t have money to pay the rent and for your kids’ college education. " ( 2022/06/28/cold-war-with-china/) " further increase the upward redistribution of income and also doom efforts to limit the damage from global warming "
    ChRiS> if you want to educate a child DO NOT enroll them in the modern "civilized" (capitalist-fascho dictatorship) system?

  5. 220630

    it seems "Germoney" will only accept political asylum applications from "victims" alraedy INthe B.R.D ???
    surely a state who now claims its "host status" for WHITE faced UKRAINIANS should anble those who wish to know if they have a "safe haven" BEFORE riskign life , limb & all their possesions in "the journey" naive? ignorant ur just typical prejudicial policy... on this subkecy also : :
    yet whilst C-P claims that there is a socialist escape from the expected doom ( /2022/06/29/does-the-amazon-now-have-a-shot-at-survival ) surely it is in no-ones intrest to reduce oil prices (?) if OIL based polution is the cause ("One way world leaders might seek to lower prices is work to increase the global supply of oil. "opec-pluss-accelerated-oil-production-pales-in-comparison-to-lost-output-from-us-sanctions //...) whilst there is YET another exposure of the lyinf cheating govt of USAcorp coving up a nuclear leak in Calif... "with nuclear safety expert and then-UCLA professor Daniel Hirsch, Rose discovered documentation that the partial nuclear meltdown had occurred at SSFL twenty years earlier in 1959, " ( )



    comsidering USAcorp / NA TO . EU & othersponsorted media PR_opaganda BILE aimed at russia, & russians (especially Putin, I AM NIOT fan but..) this is a "brave statement" ; Bernie Ecclestone: I'd still take a bullet for Vladimir Putin
    Former Formula One supremo Ecclestone has described the Russian president as "a first-class person"...
    ( . ) by the formula 1 oligarch ?

    to see;
    2022/06/24/the-anatomy-of-inflation/ but property speculation is the biggest cause of inflation worldwide, OBVIOUSLY!

  7. Contact photo
    To 1 more... on 2022-07-02 17:44
    (~109 KB)

    (~15 KB)

    (~166 KB)
    to whom it may concern

    I have recently read articles about changes in Columbia

    /2022/06/30/colombia-once-a-pro-u-s-conservative-bastion-turns-left ) which excite me

    I seek the opportunity to use my skills, unique experience & community (eco logistics)
    & Strategic know - how and it seems this is a GOOD time for your people, whom i could help greatly re organise!

    However, you are a member of NATO ; which concerns me for the reasons mentioned below
    I would appreciate dialogue with a member of the new Columbian movement!


    “Meet a guest as the God's messenger”. Hospitality impressed me, as i have been seriously considering a move

    from Montenegro, which has become HOSTILE, especially since joining
    NATO as have been critical of many aspects of that war machine.

    However, despite informing the authorities of several violations
    including 2 ILLEGAL forced evictions. (one by a property owning
    family including a local corrupt policeman) employment of a lawyer, nor
    complaints to the government, EU, UN & embassy staff have helped
    me. ( I also wrote to Irish & English consulates).

    please reply in due course, that we may discuss details.

    yours sincerely
    Christopher Richard SMITH
    "F&U NGO"
    Miriste, Lucista

    personal email ;

    Sent with Proton Mail [1] secure email.

  8. updated 3 july ;



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